This blog is far from over, and yet I am still getting to grips with being back to my humble, ever so humble origins, here on Blogger.
She's off again, I hear you say!
Someone stole my bloglet.
They did! I was sent information to re-new my blog domain. Blog? I didn't even have my own lap-top. You probably noticed. That was in the whole 'soaking a lap-top in gin can never be a good thing', Christmas spectastacle. Truly. I could not afford to renew my licence, but I had no idea what was to
And, do you know, my beloved meaningful blogname was sold to a mad flibbertigibbet. What do you mean, you never noticed?! She is a bism. Of the first degree. I tell yer.
Abandon her in droves but lover, come back to me?
Anyhoo, what have I been up to, you ask?
Nay. More to the point, what have you been up to, mes bloggy chums?
I have missed your damp noses and warm whiskers. There, I'm chuckling you behind the ears, in that soft-warm spot you have there. There, there...
I have a special chuckle under the chin for the dahlink, darling John - Scriptor Senex, for it is he, who has restored me to some semblance of normality. Scriptor, whose bold advice brought me back the techie bits of the blog I feared I had lost. And I am sorely grateful to his magnificence, I really am. 
Lots of my memories are here, you see. Strings of silken threads bound up with boiled eggs, toast, love, tea, whiskers and honey. A smidgen of the scent of the love I have for my son, Grizz, who's now 21 and taller than a bean-stalk, but beautiful and half-wild is writ here.
En effet, I have more heart and memories locked in this bunch of feral words written across the years than I've ever committed anywhere. Perhaps I will be committed. I thought I might be when I lost my blog into the sparky ether.
Meanwhile, I've been ueber-busy with my psychotherapy course. Much work is now in hand to 'graduate' this summer - I may even post a picture, if I pass... Eek! If they've got a graduation gown that fits my ampule form, that is!
I've been busy with the new job(s). I have 3. Do you think that's enough? I think so. It's been doing me heid in, I swear... I think I need to ditch one. I am Arthur Mullarding on that just now.

And we all are.
Take time out to smell the coffee, the flowers, the fine feathers on a bird's under-wing.
Take time out for you. Je vous embrasse. Don't be shy!
Tell me your news. I've missed you so much. Mwah!