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Wednesday 25 August 2010

Student Central...

You recall that I'm now preparing myself, and Grizz, for his entry to University in late September? Of course, the man-child has reverted to type, expecting me still to take charge of things for him, while he's out there partying heartily and meeting his mates at all hours... (What is it about the young that makes them practically nocturnal?!)

Anyhoo, I've already advised him strongly that getting a BSc in Geography is beyond me, so not to expect any further support in that quarter! Still, I found myself applying online for student accommodation earlier this week, guided, of course, by him barking instructions from the other end of our corner sofa!

It turns out that some of the accommodation I'd ear-marked as suitable for him has received a very vociferous 'thumbs down' from his girlfriend, who's about to go into her second year at the same Uni, so I guess she'll be right...

And I almost found myself adding a comment to the Special Requirements section of the online application. Taking those dizzying 360 degree virtual tours of student rooms, I was staggered by how really tiny some of them really are. Now, Grizz doesn't have a big bedroom at home - (ours was originally a 'two-up, two-down' cottage, and the footprint of the house upstairs hasn't changed since the Nineteen Twenties and we claimed the bigger room), but some of the student rooms would fit into his room twice over!

Last weekend we measured Grizz's height against the door frame in the kitchen, where we've been charting his progress for the past nine years. The latest reading on the retractable steel tape, with my husband standing on tip-toes to read it, shows that he's now 6 foot 5 inches tall.

We made the child sleep in a grow-bag, I swear!

So, part of me desperately wanted to write specifically on the form, something along the lines of:

'This man-child is very, very tall, please can you give him a bed he can fit in, and a room big enough to swing a huge cat in..."

Call me daft. Go on!


Between Me and You said...

Oh, the memories of all that!And of all those forms to fill in!Good Luck!I felt the same about the room size with my son who`s a tad shorter than yours - I felt like I was leaving him in a prison cell!They soon get used to it though so don`t worry about that. It was compulsory for them to stay in halls for their first year at Uni here so not much choice with room sizes unfortunately.Before you know it he`ll be home for the holidays with LOTS of washing!

Sueann said...

Just moved my granddaughter into her dorm room...tiny is an understatement and she is sharing the space with her good friend. Let us hope they remain good friends!! Ha! In a room that size...absolutely no privacy!!
Good luck on finding an adequate space for him.

Unknown said...

Some dorms in some universities have extra-long twin beds as an only choice. Be sure once you've selected a dorm that you know what size sheets he'll need.

My Dad did all the paperwork and such for me when I went to college. He even chose the college, giving me a choice between a totally boring state school and the private religious college he preferred. Of course, he forgot to add much financial support so I ended back in the state system anyway.

Saz said...

ahhh...think it was the councils computer wot did that!!

need to meet up soon...

6ft 5" jeezzzzz...

saz x

Unknown said...

I think you'll find that young persons can fit in a sardine tin when needs must!

Lisa-Marie said...

I'd have written it!

Also, your photo is awesome, I want a circley book sculpture!

Fragrant Liar said...

Well, I cannot relate, being petite I, and spawning four petite daughters. But I can understand how sending them off to college while they're being all teenager-like could be daunting. We hang in there in the hopes that one day they'll want to be around us -- oh and support us. That would be alright . . .

Something I wrote earlier...

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