Firstly, however, I'd like to acknowledge the very lovely, sparkly crown I have been fortunate enough to be given by the wonderful Diane over at Diane's Addled Ramblings. Diane is a gifted writer, warm and truthful, vulnerable and extraordinary, and she is to be treasured; I love her with the bits of my heart that Saz over at Fat, frumpy and fifty doesn't have! (And not to forget Braja, for if you have not experienced her vivid tales of living in India, then you have not lived!)
Diane received this unique crown from the inimitable Braja, and in turn has asked to share it with me, which is just so darling, I am about to gush!
It’s the Queen of All Rambling Award, and I am allowed to timeshare it with Diane, and am as pink as my page, as I type, or more usually, ramble!
I feel like a princess, and I have so rarely felt that!

The groundswell of support behind this online movement stems from this dodgy article: "Danger online: Perils of revealing every intimate moment in the Times On-Line," which had many bloggers' venom up, to say the least!
Canadian, Don Mills Diva, was named in the article, and writing in her blog was misappropriated and twisted in a shamefully lazy piece of journalism, more worthy of the tabloids. The journalists involved aimed to disparage the Blogging Community, purely to 'puff' a new book on 'Cyburbia'!
I sense professional rivalry, and hissy fits from an editor more concerned at losing revenue to Cyberland, rather than any real dangers posed by the more sensible and sensitive blogger, which I think accounts for all of you whose blogs I have the pleasure of reading...
The article refers to issues when people have been too candid in their blogs, thereby potentially surrendering their privacy up to others, and where writers are spending more time blogging, rather devoting more time to face-to-face interaction... It talks about the dangers of being tempted by a baying audience to reveal more and more about yourself, in order to gain popularity and readership... The article implies, as many anti-blogging journos do, that we are unprofessional, with the capacity to dilute journalism proper...
Oh, grow up and put your dummy (pacifier) back in!
One thing I found of particular interest was set out in this paragraph: "But how authentic are blogs anyway? Are we totally truthful in them or partly acting? In an article in Psychology magazine entitled “The Decline and Fall of the Private Self”, Jamie Pennebaker, Professor of Psychology at the University of Texas in Austin, believes that blogging has elements of theatre with people, say, blunting the edges of ugly revelation with humorous comment, always with an eye on self-presentation. “If you're writing and you know lots of people are going to be looking at it you're going to change things to make yourself look good.”
For heaven's sake, these people are more deluded than I think they are if they believe for one instant that the majority of people we rub shoulders with in la vie quotidienne are not acting and dissembling!!! Sorry for the over-punctuation, it's that which marks me out as a non-journalist, I guess!
I have oft worked with colleagues who have admitted to me that they are not honest about themselves; They never let on to a boss, for example, that they are struggling with something, or that they don't understand him or her - They are not true to themselves, and in doing so, they only allow the best parts of themselves to be seen - This means of course that the more naive or absent boss believes them to be 'holier than thou', and they want to keep it that way...Thank you very much!
I think that is the case with the majority of folk in our throw-away, shallow and vacuous, fame-obsessed, 'Zelebrity Ruled' society.

able to be thrilled by images and sounds from continents and towns I might never be fortunate enough to visit;

heartened by listening to others' experience of life, and boldened by feedback, which in turn helps me to become more self-aware and sociable, (when I am restricted pretty much to the home at the moment...);

I enjoy light-hearted banter across generations - This experience is priceless to me now that my own access to more mature and more wise folk has been cut off by the sad departures of my own loved ones;
I enjoy sharing similarities, lives, loves and some madness (mine!) with kindred spirits - These are often people who are not 'ten-a-penny' in my experience, and whom I might never have had the great good fortune to encounter in 'real life' because of the distances that separate us;
And above all, I am here because you make me ponder and muse, smile and cry;

I did mention I was getting on my soapbox today, didn't I?

As Don Mills Diva said in her blog on Friday 30 January, "I want you to speak up and tell the world that you and your writing and your blog deserve respect; from the Times On-Line, from the mainstream media and from every one of the millions of so-called "professional" journalists out there who have mused about whether blogs ruin journalism.

Throw it in your sidebar and then maybe write a post. Write from your heart about what makes you and your writing and your blog worthy of respect".

"Don't you understand? We people are tired of being numbers in a society that could care less about who we are! We are stating that we are HUMAN - with lives, and thoughts and feelings! We are MORE THAN A NUMBER and MORE than a statistic! This is a type of HUMAN REVOLUTION & it's necessary".

Steve from Essex wrote:
"Silver linings-

- Typing has revived from its 1970s nadir.
- Putting thoughts into words is more stimulating than vacuous TV viewing that drained time in the 1980s
- Posterity will know more of the pre-war generation (from letters), nothing of the 1960-80s (communications by 'phone) and more about the present (via e-mail and blogs)'" More perhaps than ever before... And why not?
Blogging is shared treasure...

I'll listen to you on your soapbox anyday!! You said that all so beautifully (no rambling at all... I might have to take away your crown ;). The people who criticise blogging in anyway have clearly not experienced this amazing online community... and that makes me sad for them. This activity has made my life richer, as have all the people, all over the world, I come in contact with daily through it. So, I say screw the nay-sayers! I'll put that little button on my sidebar - proudly!!
Diane - Noooooo, please don't take away my Rambler's Crown - I will be back to rambling again, tout de suite - You know me all too well! xox
That's one of my subjects for tomorrow as well. I'll probably be a lot briefer but no less sincere!
WRITE ON GIRL!! and the crown will look 'swell' on f you, lol.....you got it for a year then Queenie???
just popped in to say hi, off to watch a film with Larry..if he can stay awake...
Right on!
Saz FFF xxx
People criticize things when they feel threatened. Otherwise, they tend to ignore whatever they claim to disdain. I think this applies to blogging on so many levels.
I've come in through another blog, and found your post funny, intelligent and exemplary. You have definetely convinced me to keep on blogging. Just a couple of days ago I posted about blogging too. My rants were not positive,I admit. But, the comments changed my mind entirely. This post puts mine in a box and buries it at sea forever.
Awesome post! Write ON!!!
And thanks for visiting my blog and becoming a follower - I really appreciate that!
Love your blog and have a great weekend...
:^) Anna
Great post! I'm sure blogging is threatening to any mainstream media. It certainly is a big diversion from TV, magazines and other media...that means a money loss for them. No suprise they would try and fight back. Let them fire away...who cares what they think!
I love your little cheering section...cute. I've never seen that before.
Hear Hear! A Woman of Fierceness today! Excellent post, and a worthy soapbox moment. Bravo.
Clayrn Darrow.
YAY - beautifully put!
Thanks for your support.
"I enjoy light-hearted banter across generations - This experience is priceless to me now that my own access to more mature and more wise folk has been cut off by the sad departures of my own loved ones;
I enjoy sharing similarities, lives, loves and some madness (mine!) with kindred spirits - These are often people who are not 'ten-a-penny' in my experience, and whom I might never have had the great good fortune to encounter in 'real life' because of the distances that separate us;"
I could not agree with your words more! Excellent post.
Hope you will visit me at my new place.
Good girl yourself, I love being part of the blogging community and my life is so much the richer for it xx
Blogging encourages many to try their skill at writing. An avid readership through the Blogosphere can be just the encouragement needed to go professional.
Beautiful BLOG.....your pictures are amazing and inspiring and your posts are fantastic. Mind if I follow this one? Stop on by mine and say hi......
Reggie Girl
Wait....that wasn't a ramble, Diane? :))
I love your posts, Woman :)
There are so many good thoughts/beautiful images (and funny ones, too) to respond to here . . . but your last line - Blogging is Shared Treasure -- seems to encompass them all.
I was JUST having this argument with my husband and some friends the other night. My husband is very much of the "blogging friends aren't real friends" and "they could just be making it all up" camp. But I'm with you! So-called real-life DOES force us to dissemble and conceal our true thoughts and feelings. I am sure that there ARE obnoxious, self-promotional posers in the blog-world, but I have found so many wonderful, supportive, creative and authentic voices.
Bravo to this!
What an excellent post and I read loads of it out and Mr FF also agreed with every word.
Respect the blog indeed!
I don't even know what to say here! This post that you wrote so eloquently is exactly what i have been feeling for a while now. I just can't write it the way you do. So thank thank thank you for this post!!!
Greatness in a blog!!! That is you dear Fhina!!! I have a question, how long does it take you to write a post??? With all the great photos you include??? It's amazing girlie!!!
I am going to put that button on my sidebar if i can figure out how!!!!
Love you today and everyday!!!!
You certainly get my vote, Oh wise one. The world would be a better place if everyone thought in Blogland terms.
Scriptor Senex: As only you can, Sir - Fewer words, far more sensibility and beauty, but I am the one co-wearing the Crown of All Ramblers!
Fat, frumpy and fifty: Saz, I'm not certain about the terms of the Crown offer, per se, but I'll fight anyone fang and claw and nail who tries to take it from Diane or myself! LOL! xxx
Kate Coveny Hood: You are so elegant in your writing, Kate - This is so true!
lakeviewer: Welcome in fellow Blogee! You are so so kind! And if your writing is under the ocean, then it is surely buried treasure - And there's the map above for us to find it again! Keep blogging on - Join the groundswell...
Anna Lefler: Welcome... Bless you, and as we grow and follow others' blogs, so do we too grow and learn, I strongly feel this!
Lisa B: Welcome. The 'cheering section' came via Photobucket, and is applause for all the voices out there, so take your rightful bow, girl!
CLAY: I can be fierce, 'tis true, once someone has rattled my cage, and then I am the Formidable Woman! Bless you, truly!
Don Mills Diva: You have started this groundswell, darling, and what the Times Online did to you, no-one should get away with! It might not have been illegal but it was ill mannered and lazy! You have my support 110%!
Meredith Teagarden: I am so pleased you will continue to write and showcase your talent - I shall be over there shortly, just wait! You are very kind, and very lovely, thank you!
auntiegwen: Too true, Gwennie - And like attracts like - We find friends here and that is such a positive thing, when the media is filled with doom and disaster constantly! x
Chairman Bill: True, although that is not why everyone is writing - A thought just went through my head, wondering if this is the new, (and more literate), CB Radio craze, or whether it's more akin to people printing pamphlets and tracts, as we did since printing was invented, and when we had something important to share? Interesting!
Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff: What a monicker you have, petal - Around as self-deprecatory as mine own! In fact, it could be mine! I shall be over to yours as quickly as you can say mid-life! Welcome in!
Braja: Thank you for finding the time to drop by in between luxury treatments and enchanting story-telling, Braja - You are one of life's own wonders, non-rambling, of course! x
Bee: Bless you, and I thought the picture at the end was such a lovely and apt one to illustrate what I find here, too!
There are many colours and hues scattered across all our blogs, whether there are pictures or no, it's a wonderful place to be sometimes! I find blogging attracts many very generous and authentic/genuine folk, and I choose not to follow the wannabee poseurs, as you say! They are pretty easy to spot, I feel... What impresses me most in the blogs I follow is the writers' intelligence and warmth, their integrity and often raw honesty. We are human, and we are communicating and picking up subtle nuances - I love it...as I know you do too!
French Fancy: Bless you once again, FF! x
Michelle: You write like a brave, sassy, writing trooper, girl - Please don't put yourself down! Welcome to our movement! Try right clicking on the button, save it to your desktop and then use the customize and picture function on your dashboard, to pull the image through - I sound like I know what I am doing, and I sooo don't!!!
It takes me a couple of hours on average to write - I don't usually do the thinking all at once, and generally start the night before. Usually I work full-time, so being here is replacing work for me at the moment, and when I go back to my office, probably around end March, I will sadly not be able to devote as much time to it, as I should wish... Sending you love and light, dear blogging friend x
jinksy: You! Calling me wise - you jinkster you! It is such a warm and wonderful space here 'though, is it not? x
Blessings all!
//Chairman Bill: True, although that is not why everyone is writing - A thought just went through my head, wondering if this is the new, (and more literate), CB Radio craze, or whether it's more akin to people printing pamphlets and tracts, as we did since printing was invented, and when we had something important to share? Interesting!
I'm sure that the adulation is an important driver for many. Also the need to be heard in a world so full of meaningless noise.
Tracsmat: a doormat for hunters, decorated with animal tracks.
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