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Monday, 10 August 2009

Come meditate in my field full of Northumbrian poppies...

Take time out to enjoy flowers...and my beautiful county...

How beautiful is it where you live, mes Bloggy Petals?!


Jinksy said...

The most beautiful thing around here yesterday was the butterfly ballet going on in my miserable excuse for a garden! I think they were tortoiseshells, mostly, with one or two red admirals and a few cabbage whites, but all delightful to see.

A Woman Of No Importance said...

Ah, you cannot have a miserable garden, la Jinks, if you attract beautiful butterflies into it!

I hope you are well, my darling, sorry I have been neglectful of your beautifully written blog of late... x

Working Mum said...

It's pretty green round here (must be the rain), but not as beautiful as Northumberland. Been reminiscing about a fantastic holiday we had there when daughter was 2 -long,hot days on Bamburgh beach.....

Alan Burnett said...

Beautiful video. What a great choice for a Monday morning.

Chairman Bill said...

You could get a small traveller community on that field.

French Fancy... said...

I am sorry that I must have missed quite a few of your posts over the last week. I will play catch - up.

Anonymous said...

Needed that moment of tranquility having just come from the insanity of Limes blog and the Stream of Eddie Izzard's consciousness.

Kent was once the garden of England, now it is getting covered with plasic greenhouses, roads, malls, and 'affordable' housing. A euphamism for Ticky tacky.

Anonymous said...

NYC not so pretty!

Dumdad said...


JANN said...

yes this is lovely!
beautiful poppies - adore the red color...thanx 4 sharing some beauty today....... here in FORT WORTH , TEXAS it is HOT...100 plus.
Think some cooling thoughts for me please :)

ArtistUnplugged said...

Beautiful poppies!!!! We have beautiful hills and mountains in the background, lots of greenery, flowers, rivers, lakes, cornfields and cotton fields!

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful country. . . I loved the band Lindisfarne way back when - no idea if they are even from that area of the country. The video is stunning. Thank you for posting it.

Something I wrote earlier...

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