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Sunday 7 November 2010

Don't give up!

This advert for Marketing and Sales Giant, IKEA, and its lilting and beautiful, borrowed, music makes me feel a little more at home, a little more like the me I want to be...

This short film shows you how the advert came about!

Herding cats indeed!

Hope it makes you smile today...

Just the facts, ma'am: Mara Carlyle, a singer and composer working at the New Horizon Youth Centre for the homeless in Euston, London, a struggling artist just about to be let go by her record company, provides the Erik Satie-like, musical soundtrack...

"The Ikea advert came at a time when I was about to give up entirely," says Carlyle. "The struggle to get my album out had taken over my life, so I had decided to forget about it and move on. Then this came along, out of the blue."

Fhina's IKEA kitchen (story to be continued!) was not harmed during the process of herding cats...


Sueann said...

I love when creative people gather and decide they want to try something. Ha! Great concept and it was fun seeing the making of the film. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

When I first saw that IKEA ad, I said to no-one in particular, 'That looks just like Ikea...' the assembled family around the tv laughed heartily as they'd seen the ad before. 'A typical Mum comment', said daughter. In spite of this I love the ad and that video of the making of it is great. Thank you. xx

Moannie said...

I loved that ad. All those cats seemingly behaving as if they were at home. Lovely, Ffina.

Something I wrote earlier...

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