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Sunday, 6 January 2013

Frying Tonight!

Well, howdy-doody and a Happy New Year to one and all!

I am looking forward to a year of better fortune and a calmer time.   Do you think that that's too much to ask, mes bloggy chooms?!   Other than that, I have made no New Year's resolutions.   No.

However, I pledge not to start the first post of the year with doom and gloom.   Cross my heart and hope to die!

Why ever did we use to say that as children?   It sounds very odd now.  

I hope your Christmases were full of nice memories and New Year celebrations brought a peaceful time spent with less dysfunctional families and/or friends...

This Christmas in the Crawfy household we have been mainly administering to the sick.   Cups of sweet black tea, crispy crumpets, that kind of thing.   'Nuff said, soonest mended, methinks...

Meanwhile in other news:   In an alcohol induced haze at New Year I tipped part of a glass of gin and lemon onto my laptop ensuring its hard drive could no longer co-exist on the same planet as Fhina.

Snap, crackle, pop went the sound, dear readers.   My New Year's fizz was nothing in comparison to the sound my dearly departed laptop made when I attempted to switch it on next day.   Oops!

Harken to my recommendations, my dahlinks.   Here's a good tip - Do not use your laptop for or as any of the following:

A tea-tray from whence to eat your boiled egg and toast soldiers of a morning;

A rat-warming device;

A coaster for a brimming seasonal glass of gin;

An erstwhile pillow for a power-nap;


Storing really important and sensitive information that you need for your Counselling course, such as a Clinical Log!

Tip #2:   Back up all your data to a reliable source.

So, what I really mean to say is that if you don't hear from me for a while, it's because Grizz has scarpered back to Uni taking his laptop, which I am currently using and which has a default setting for a font-size that only faerie folk could read!

I don't presently have the funds for a new lap-top.   *Sniffs*

Think of me while I am missing you terribly, awfully, frightfully.

...Bloody loads, in fact!

Meanwhile, for me, some eye-candy!

And breathe...   And listen to my fantasy paramour, Mr John Smith with This Killer Wave - Just like the one that swallowed my laptop!


Z said...

'Cross my heart and hope to die if I should ever tell a lie" is the whole thing, which makes rather more sense.

Sorry about the laptop. I ruined a keyboard once in a similar manner, but that was rather less disastrous.

Sarah said...

Disaster! I was distraught when my PC blew up ( and that was without the aid of Gin and Tonic). I had to resort to using my phone to blog (hence a big gap in bloging!) - ask around, someone may be upgrading and have something you can borrow/keep that's how I got my steam powered PC which has the added benefit of keeping me fit as I pedal like mad to keep it going ;)

Joanne Noragon said...

A bummer. Hope the jar fills with bounty quickly.

Expat mum said...

I was going to suggest you enter competitions to try to win a new laptop (yes, I'm feeling adventurous and lucky this year) and then I remembered you'd probably need to be online to do that.
Never mind!

Anonymous said...

Hope the jar fills fast.

Sueann said...

I miss you already!! Go door to door and collect!! Ha

libby said...

Happy New Year.....and maybe blog at the Library...internet use there I think.

BadPenny said...

awwwwww yes get thee to an internet cafe !

Leave It To Davis said...

How horrible. I would just have to not pay a bill and get another. I am addicted. Good luck on saving for one. We'll be looking forward to future posts...take notes so you can tell everything that went on in your life while you were gone!

Terra said...

Our laptop died a few days ago and my husband bought and set up this new one. There is a slight possiblility the old one may be restored to life. Hope your new year is one of blessings.

Suldog said...

All clever, but whoever thought up the tip jar with the fish in it is a genius!

Scriptor Senex said...

If only you could access the net you could appeal for funds - I'd contribute a tenner to have you back!!

Saz said...

no puter...awful....
pity we can't rent one....hey is that a novel idea???

you know you can buy one like you can a mobile phone from the mobile shop??? er l think..

love you xxxxx

Leave It To Davis said...

It's been over a month...hope you're saving your dimes and nickles and will soon be back in blogland!

Leave It To Davis said...

It's been over a month...hope you're saving your dimes and nickles and will soon be back in blogland!

Scriptor Senex said...

I think this story of lack of funds for a new laptop is just so you can take a break from us...We want you back. Nay, we demand you come back as soon as possible.
Missing you!

Something I wrote earlier...

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